Preschool education
Preschool education is the process of acquiring basic knowledge, skills, and habits that serve intellectual, physical, and spiritual development.
Main activities in the field of preschool education:
To participate in the creation of a regulatory framework that ensures the functioning and development of the preschool education system;
To ensure control over the implementation of various state programs related to the development of preschool education;
To control the quality of the educational process, the implementation of educational legislation, the observance of state standards of preschool education;
To supervise the implementation of democratic governance in the preschool education system in accordance with the legislation together with local executive authorities;
To achieve the renewal of preschool education’s content.
Purpose of preschool education:
As the first stage of the continuing education system of the Republic of Azerbaijan, preschool education is a priority area of sustainable development that takes into account the interests of the individuals, society, and the state.
Preschool education lays the foundation for the development of children's mental, physical, creative potential and cultural levels at the early ages. It is the base for children’s psychological stability, aesthetic education, mastery of simple work habits, sensitive and conscious attitude towards the environment and personal health, acquisition of necessary life skills, and personality development.
Preschool education is aimed at educating children in the spirit of national-moral and human values based on state interests and Azerbaijanism ideology; it prepares them for general education.
Documents developed and approved to improve the regulatory framework in the field of preschool education:
“Rules for organizing preschool education” (Resolution No. 4 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated January 8, 2010);
“Model Regulations on Pedagogical Councils of Preschool Education Institutions and Orphanages” (Resolution No. 178 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 9, 2012);
“Model Charter of Preschool Education Institution” (Resolution No. 218 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated October 2, 2012);
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Preschool Education” (adopted by the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2017);
“Admission Rules for Preschool Education Institutions” (Resolution No. 16 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated January 19, 2018);
“State standards for the education of preschool children with disabilities” (Resolution No. 62 of Cabinet of Ministers No. 62 dated February 26, 2018);
“Rules for the organization of preschool education in family-type, community-based, short-term training groups” (Resolution No. 64 of Cabinet of Ministers dated February 28, 2018);
“State standard of preschool education in the Republic of Azerbaijan” (Resolution No. 351 of Cabinet of Ministers dated August 8, 2019).
In addition, a draft "Preschool Education Curriculum" has been developed.
Admission to preschool education groups
Preschool education groups organized in schools accept children who live in the area where the school is located and have reached the age of 5 in the same year. If a school in the residential area does not have a preschool group, children may be admitted to the preschool group of another school.
Admission to preschool groups is based on the territorial principle only in a number of general education institutions in Baku. The territorial principle is not applicable in other districts and cities. Only children from IDP families are admitted to preschool groups in IDP schools.